Caught up with the folks at the Linbury Theatre in the Royal Opera House earlier in the week who have a few Star Spangled Panners. They currently have them on their Stalls and Stage Foldback EM Acoustic EMS-81Xs and report back that they are very useful for obtaining a repeatable focus.
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8x Star Spangled Panners, 2x Star Spangled Panner Minis and 4x Incline To Degrees feature as part of the sound system for the Sonia Friedman Production's Re:Emerge season at the Harold Pinter Theatre in London's West End. Here they are on a d&b audiotechnik Y7P speaker supplied by Stage Sound Services.
May 26, 2021
It's been a little while since we posted about the Tweaker prototype. It's moving along but in the meantime here's a little video explaining what it's about.
Thanks to Thames Audio for use of their equipment and support.
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